The following document events can be subscribed to by your application.

Event codeDescription
document_mergedOccurs when a recipient has had a document merged (generated) and opened it for viewing
document_signedOccurs when a signatory has fully electronically signed a document


idstring (uuid)See How do I secure my notification URL?
algstringSee How do I secure my notification URL?
sentAtdate (ISO 8601-1:2019)When the notification was sent
document_idstring (uuid)The document ID
recipient_idstring (uuid)The recipient ID who opened
recipient_referencestringOptional. Round-trip reference of the recipient originally supplied by you
file_idstring (uuid)File UUID
file_referencestringFile reference of the the file



The document is unlikely to be legally executed (binding) at this stage. Users shouldn't use this event for the purpose of knowing when a document has been fully signed and executed. For that, use "file_filed".

idstring (uuid)See How do I secure my notification URL?
algstringSee How do I secure my notification URL?
sentAtdate (ISO 8601-1:2019)When the notification was sent
document_idstring (uuid)The document ID
recipient_idstring (uuid)The recipient ID who signed
recipient_referencestringOptional. Round-trip reference of the recipient originally supplied by you
file_idstring (uuid)File UUID
file_referencestringFile reference of the the file