Re-issues the digital form envelope back to the recipients, allowing them to make edits to the form they previously submitted.


The following permissions are required to call this API. Learn more.

Permission typePermissions
API key action permissionFile
Folder access control list permissionSender


Files may be re-issued at status "review" and "filed".

Use re-issue when:

  • One or more recipients needs to make corrections to their submissions
  • Stale data previously submitted needs to be refreshed, and fresh signatures collected

When re-issuing:

  • Electronically signed documents are handled based on their statuses:
    • Documents that have not been fully executed are cancelled, pending then the signatures on the next issue of the document
    • Documents that are fully signed and executed remain fully signed and executed. Signatories will be asked to electronically sign a fresh document
  • When re-issuing, any payments made in the previous issue will be shown to the recipient as monies they have already paid
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!